Recreational marijuana is illegal in Texas. Simply Having as much as 2 to 4 oz could put you in jail for a year and lead to thousands of dollars in fines. While other states have been relaxing their marijuana laws, Texas has some of the most strict laws in the nation....
Year: 2021
When can you argue self-defense in your Texas criminal case?
If you have been accused of a crime as serious as murder, your primary goal should be to build a strong defense that will ensure that the charge you are facing does not end in a conviction. With a watertight defense, it is possible to have your charges reduced or...
What does Texas consider assault?
If the police arrest you, one of the basic things to understand is what they are charging you with. Some charges sound similar but have very different consequences. Assault is one of those confusing areas. Some assault charges are misdemeanors, and some are felonies....
Don’t add doctor shopping to your holiday list
If you are like many people, you see several doctors sometimes to treat your various conditions. You have your primary care physician (PCP) that you see for general health and well-being. You may have also consulted with a podiatrist for an issue with your feet and...
What options do you have if facing a DWI charge?
You might assume attempting to fight a driving while intoxicated (DWI) charge is a dead-end street. Yet, there are many escape routes you might not have considered. A DWI conviction comes with significant financial penalties, license suspension and even time behind...
Is eyewitness evidence reliable?
The legal system finally realizes that eyewitnesses are not as reliable as once thought. If the police charge you based on someone else’s word, it is crucial you contest it. While eyewitnesses have helped police solve many cases, they have also led to many innocent...
Why might doctors and pharmacists face drug charges?
Prescription drug crime is big business. If you are a doctor or pharmacist, you have the right to access and distribute pharmaceuticals. Yet, by doing your job, you could unwittingly get caught up in a police investigation and face serious charges that put your...
What does it mean if the feds charge me with fraud?
Fraud is a legal term that covers a lot of territory. A charge for fraud could mean a range of different criminal allegations. Some examples can include bankruptcy fraud, cybercrimes, mail fraud, health care fraud, identity theft, mortgage fraud or loan schemes,...
What are the penalties for a Texas DWI?
When an adult is charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI) in Texas, the penalties can seriously impact their freedom, their finances and their future. What might you experience after a drunk driving charge? What are the penalties for a first drunk driving...