Being pulled over for a DUI stop can be an anxiety-inducing experience, whether you’re driving home from a happy hour hangout with friends or taking a night drive to take your mind off things. The thought that a police officer suspects that you might be driving while...
Drunk Driving
3 things you can likely expect during a suspected drunk driving stop
Police officers can initiate a traffic stop for a variety of reasons. For example, a suspicion of drunk driving is a common reason to pull motorists over. If a police officer sees you do something while you’re driving that makes them believe you’re impaired, they’ll...
Aggravating issues significantly affect DWI penalties
Not all DWI arrests are the same. For one thing, someone could get a DWI for operating their vehicle under the influence of alcohol, but they could also face those same charges if they were using prescription medications or illegal drugs, such as marijuana. But even...
Do tips to speed up alcohol metabolism work?
Can certain tips or tricks truly speed up the metabolism of alcohol, thus diminishing its effects more quickly? This is an understandable question, given how frequently Americans imbibe alcohol before needing to return to the responsibilities of their daily lives. ...
4 drunk driving facts
Traffic laws restrict people from driving while under the influence of alcohol. There’s a lot of information about drunk driving you can find online. If you’re wanting to learn more about drunk driving, here are a few facts you should know: Fact 1: Coffee does not...
2 kinds of sobriety tests to learn about
A driver who is suspected of drinking may be pulled over by the police. The police can do several things to gather evidence against the driver. They can begin by asking the driver questions, such as if they were drinking, where they were driving from or if they know...
Drunk driving in Texas: A felony or misdemeanor?
Criminal offenses are broadly categorized as either felonies or misdemeanors, with each classification carrying distinct legal consequences if convicted. Generally, a felony is a more serious offense than a misdemeanor, and a conviction carries significantly harsher...
How a new Texas law raises the stakes for some drunk drivers
The consequences of a drunk driving conviction are always serious. If you’re convicted of causing injuries or fatalities by driving under the influence, of course, they’re far more serious – particularly if the parent or legal guardian of a minor child is killed. ...
3 facts about reasonable suspicion in drunk driving stops
For most drivers, seeing the flashing lights of a police vehicle behind them induces anxious feelings. These effects may increase if you know you’ve had a couple of drinks and are concerned that the officer will think you’re driving drunk. Some may wonder how police...
Is underage drinking and driving different?
A driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol charge can lead to penalties, imprisonment and loss of driver's license. But the consequences surrounding the case may change depending on the driver's age. In Texas, minors (drivers under 21 years) are subject to...