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4 drunk driving facts

On Behalf of | Feb 13, 2024 | Drunk Driving

Traffic laws restrict people from driving while under the influence of alcohol. There’s a lot of information about drunk driving you can find online.

If you’re wanting to learn more about drunk driving, here are a few facts you should know:

Fact 1: Coffee does not make drivers sober

Coffee is often the first thing people go to when they need a quick pick-me-up, such as after they drink alcohol so that they can focus on driving. Many people believe that coffee can sober them. However, the body absorbs alcohol into the bloodstream, which can not go away by simply drinking coffee.  

Fact 2: Drunk driving and drowsy driving are very similar

Drowsy driving happens when someone is tired or exhausted while operating a vehicle. As a result, the driver may struggle to focus on the road, react to obstacles or make safe driving decisions. A drowsy driver could also fall asleep while driving. Many of the same symptoms that drowsy drivers have are seen in drunk drivers. 

Fact 3: Breath tests are convenient, but blood tests are more accurate

Chemical sobriety tests evaluate a driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC), which is the amount of alcohol found in the body. The police may use a chemical sobriety test called a breath test during traffic stops. A breath test evaluates a driver’s BAC by testing their breath. Many people take breath tests because they can be administered during traffic stops. 

Alternatively, drivers may do urine or blood sobriety tests. Blood and urine tests, however, must be administered at hospitals. Of the three tests, blood tests are often the most accurate.

Fact 4: Drivers must follow implied consent laws

Implied consent laws state that drivers must agree to sobriety tests during traffic stops. Drivers agree to implied consent laws when they apply for their driver’s licenses. Violating these laws could lead to penalties after an arrest. 

Drivers facing drunk driving charges can learn about their legal rights and build a defensive case to reduce charges.