Being charged with any type of criminal offense is a serious matter. Even convictions for misdemeanor crimes can result in fines and jail time, and this is certainly the case for felony convictions. The U.S. Constitution provides anyone facing criminal charges with...
Criminal Defense
How to spot health care fraud
Health care fraud is big business. It’s estimated that Medicare and Medicaid fraud alone costs taxpayers more than $100 billion a year in losses, and the losses to private insurance companies are also huge. That makes it important for health care employees, especially...
What to know about Texas open container laws
Driving while intoxicated is not the only alcohol-related offense that can affect your driving record. Carrying an open container of alcohol in your vehicle can also get you into trouble. Here is what to know about Texas open container laws: The definition of an open...
Requirements for obtaining a search warrant
In the United States, police officers are bound by specific legal requirements and limitations when conducting searches. These requirements are set in the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which protects citizens against unreasonable searches and seizures....
When is a criminal offense a crime of moral turpitude?
Some types of criminal offenses have immigration consequences. Violent offenses like murder will often lead to someone facing removal from the United States. The same is true of crimes that lead to long-term incarceration. However, some people accused of seemingly...
What’s considered during criminal sentencing?
After a criminal conviction, sentencing becomes the focus. This is when the court determines what penalties will be set for the person who was convicted. While the nature of the crime itself is a primary consideration, multiple other factors can influence a judge's...
2 instances when a plea deal might make sense
A criminal trial can take up a huge chunk of the court’s time. It’s for this reason that most criminal cases are resolved via a plea bargain. Basically, this is an arrangement where the accused person pleads guilty to a lesser offense in exchange for a lenient...
Examples of lies police can legally tell suspects
There are certainly situations in which police officers will find it advantageous to lie. They may be attempting to get someone to confess to a crime, for instance, and lying can be used as a form of manipulation. But what types of lies are they going to tell?...
Criminal defendants: Why you need to avoid social media
If you have been accused of violating a state or federal criminal law, it’s important to act as if you’re “being watched” while you utilize social media platforms until your case is fully resolved. This approach to communication may make you feel a little paranoid,...
Criminal activity, computers, and kids: What should parents know?
Parents have many things to worry about when raising children: that they could fall off a bike and get injured, that they are not advancing academically, that they are not making the right types of friends. These worries have spanned for generations, but parents...