You might be in the habit of opening your front door every time someone knocks. But what if you notice through the glass that the person outside is a police officer? Should you still open it or should you retreat inside and hope they did not see you approaching? Even...
Year: 2024
Ensuring that a search warrant is valid
The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects you from unlawful searches and seizures. Police officers are not entitled to just come into your home without permission unless they have a valid warrant. The only way around this is if you invite them in or they...
Did you really fail a field sobriety tests during a DUI stop?
Being pulled over for a DUI stop can be an anxiety-inducing experience, whether you’re driving home from a happy hour hangout with friends or taking a night drive to take your mind off things. The thought that a police officer suspects that you might be driving while...
What’s a fentanyl murder in Texas?
Once upon a time, the authorities were heavily focused on marijuana, then cocaine or “crack,” then meth – and now it’s fentanyl. It’s true that fentanyl-laced street drugs are a major issue in the United States right now. This powerful opioid is being laced into other...
Understanding the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine
There’s an important legal doctrine known as the fruit of the poisonous tree. If you are facing charges, you need to know how this works and how it could apply to your case. It may change what evidence can be used in your case, which can significantly alter the...
Common conditions of bail in Texas
When an individual is arrested and charged with a crime in Texas, securing bail can allow them to benefit from a release from custody while they’re awaiting additional legal hearings, possibly including trial. Bail is money that acts as a financial guarantee on...
Embezzlement is different than workplace theft
If an employee is accused of stealing from their place of business, they certainly can face criminal charges. Employees have many reasons why they engage in this type of theft. For instance, they may say that they are underpaid, so they were just trying to “make...
3 things you can likely expect during a suspected drunk driving stop
Police officers can initiate a traffic stop for a variety of reasons. For example, a suspicion of drunk driving is a common reason to pull motorists over. If a police officer sees you do something while you’re driving that makes them believe you’re impaired, they’ll...
Why is a straw gun purchase illegal?
Thanks to the Second Amendment to the American Constitution, the majority of people in the United States have the right to own and possess firearms. Many consider this one of the most fundamental rights in the United States. People buy firearms for hunting, target...
Fair trial fundamentals: Seeking a venue change in Texas
Not all criminal cases proceed to trial, but defendants should still strive to understand the justice system to prepare for all possibilities. The right to a fair trial is a cornerstone of the American criminal justice system, but many things can interfere with...