Field sobriety tests are physical evaluations that can help the police determine if a driver is drunk. There are four kinds of field sobriety tests: Horizontal gaze nystagmus test: This test evaluates a driver's focus. The driver will be asked to keep their eyes on a...
Drunk Driving
5 things you should know about traffic stops
While many people are aware that police can pull over a driver, they are often unaware of what happens during one and what their rights are. Here are a few things you should be aware of during a traffic stop: 1. The police need reasonable suspicion In most cases, the...
Ways jumping bail can hurt your DWI case and life
If you are charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI), the judge will most often release you on bail while awaiting the outcome of your case. This is not an acquittal. Rather, the court set forth the conditions you must meet for your bail to hold. One of these is...
Do you understand Texas’ “Open Container” law?
After a long week’s work, nothing can be more refreshing than hanging out with friends at your favorite restaurant. Of course, you know you shouldn’t drink and drive, and this might inform your decision to carry your drink home instead of having it at the restaurant....
Debunking the common myth that coffee “sobers you up”
After drinking with friends or just enjoying a night out with someone special, you know you need to “sober up” before getting behind the wheel. If you are like many others, you may reach for the coffee, thinking if you drink enough, it will reduce your blood alcohol...
What is a “per se” DWI offense?
It is against the law to drive while under the influence of mind-altering substances, even those that are legal to use. Texas police officers will arrest you if you have drugs or alcohol in your system after you get into a car crash or if you drive very poorly because...
Is there a way to know when you can safely drive after drinking?
Picking up a drunk driving charge will lead to serious short-term and long-term consequences. Firstly, you will get a criminal record. That can affect all sorts of areas of your life. Secondly, you will face penalties such as fines and license suspension. Therefore,...
3 possible reasons to challenge breath test results in Texas
Police officers who suspect you of committing a driving while intoxicated (DWI) offense will pull you over to investigate. If an officer is suspicious after a crash, they may order chemical testing even when the other driver is clearly to blame for the wreck. Whether...
Can you get sober with a cup of coffee?
People try a lot of different tactics to sober up before they get in the car. They may be at a point where they know they shouldn't drive, but they also don't want to pay for a ride home, so they'll do anything they can think of to reduce their blood alcohol...
Can a DUI conviction affect your education?
College is a great place to learn new stuff, meet new people, have fun and make mistakes. However, one of the mistakes you do not want to make while in college is driving under the influence. A DUI is more than just a criminal offense. Besides the obvious legal...